Less Literal Direction
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Expressions of Universal Truths -Less Literal
Concerning modern aesthetics, I find that everything stems from classicism. Much of this direction has emerged directly from my classicist background. Here, I find myself isolating, exaggerating and romanticizing such forms of musculature, those that move me intuitively to the point that they emerge as the motif of my extensively modeled figures. However, here in this understated forum, I often I find myself moved by such romanticized forms, and compelled to give them an ever-greater precedence by isolating them. Intuitively, this is how I manage to unconsciously celebrate such forms for their elegance and grace. For it is here that such attributes inspire me to reveal some of our most subtle and most universal human qualities. This is where they manage to inspire my most intuitive reinterpretations of the human anatomy, and where you can see how I manage to unconsciously draw upon certain literal aspects of reality to further express other such less literal qualities. This is where I often find myself drawing upon the effects of centripetal force, inertia and other such gravitational principles as a means to play on many of these forms with relation to various meaningful anatomical movements. From here liquid is used as a metaphor to express human energy and conveyed as a means to give the appearance that such energy can be personified as form and how they can actually be elegantly carved by the atmosphere. Thus many of them feel as though they are not only moving through space, but that they are actually effected by it as they appear to be actively performing through it.
From here, the influence of such a metaphorical look at human energy has inspired other more quantum and metaphysical revelations. Hence, certain mystical qualities tend to emerge through such expressions.