ATTENTION S’IL VOUS PLAIT *** Je m’appelle Robert Landry, bienvenu a ma gallérie studio des beaux arts en ligne.
Just filling you in on the status of my on going culture enhancing Creative Humanist Initiative
As you may recall many people know that I am a Fine Artist sculptor, but few may realize that most of my creative efforts do surmount to a Creative Humanist Initiative! Please take a few moments to read a little about this initiative and my latest experience in Paris!
I know that many of us do find the life-nurturing life-sustaining nature of our humanist values worth defending. If you find that this initiative resonates with you at a profoundly human level, perhaps you might CONSIDER JOINING ME IN DEFEATING TERRORISM THROUGH FINE ART. Please make a contribution and pass this message on.
Thank you!
Sincerely, (Fine Artist) Robert L. Landry
Artiste des beaux-arts, peintures, dessins et sculptures
Déclaration d’artiste et Note personnelle
Artiste des beaux-arts Robert Landry: Je suis peintre, sculpteur et fais les dessins – travail de commande! Soyez bienvenu sur mon site d’internet pour s’enseigner mes œuvres. N’hésitez pas de laisser vos commentaires, questions sur ma page de contacte.
Bienvenu chers enthousiastes des beaux-arts sur ma gallérie en ligne ! Si vous ne l’avez pas encore fait, je vous encourage de vous amuser en regardant des transformations subtiles des images animées. Elles montrent 3 de mes œuvres en 3-dimensionnelle en produisant d’image toute entière et réelle.
En plus, j’espère bien que vous les visiteurs sur ma site pourriez prendre considération les titres des mes œuvres comme ils font une part des expressions entières. A propos de contenu écrit là-dessus, j’ai composé des notes personnelles et perspicacités esthétiques comme un moyen de communiquer la nature des mes efforts créatives si l’on désire d’accepter mon point de vue. En tout cas, ceci indique mon approche et la perspective qui inspirent mon projet actuel d’écrire un libre.
Votre dévoué,
Robert L. Landry of Landry Fine Art Studios!
Fine Artist, Painting, Drawing and Sculpture
Artist’s Statement and Personal Note
Fine Artist Robert Landry: Painting, Drawing and Sculpture —- Commission work! Please feel free to investigate my site and then make inquiries, leave comments or extend your acquaintance through my contact page.
Welcome fellow Fine Art enthusiasts to my on line gallery! If you haven’t already done so, I would like to encourage each of you to enjoy the subtle transformations taking place visually within the animated vantage points above. As they are meant to reveal three of my sculptural works entirely in the round, just as they were meant to be observed live and in three-dimensional space. Furthermore, it is my hope that you (my visitors) might consider the titles of my work, as they are meant to perform as part of the overall expression. As for the written content, I have composed some personal and aesthetic insights as a means to convey the nature of my creative efforts if one should wish to acknowledge my perspective. All of which (in one way or another) point to the approach and the perspective that appears to be inspiring my current book project. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST, PATIENCE AND CONSIDERATION!
Robert L. Landry of Landry Fine Art Studios!
Note personnelle:
Il y avait une fois que j’ai fait tous les effort d’être l’artiste de mon temps. Pour achever à ce but, j’ai conjuré les représentations intelligentes des idées qui ont motivé la voix dans ma tête en vainquant les plans et stratégies qui peuvent me placer à part de tous. C’est-à-dire que j’ai lutté pour être unique pour le seul but d’être brillant. Tandis que j’ai tout fait pour être brillant pour le but d’être aperçu.
Bien entendu, pour aboutir à mon but, j’abordais la créativité dans cette manière seulement pour participer à l’illusion de l’image de l’avant-garde et assister dans sa gloire.
Un jour j’ai observé cette approche d’un point de vue subtile et j’ai noté justement une vacuité. Malgré mon succès j’ai trouvé que mes efforts actuels manquent une profondeur en sens humain qui me tourne vers des beaux-arts au premier. Très bouleversement cela me semble claire que j’ai sacrifié mon lien avec l’essence de notre expérience humaine dans la poursuivre des innovations intellectuel les que j’ai cru m’accordent la recognition. Par conséquent peu après je me mets mon attention vers l’intérieur, consciemment réaffirmant les impulses qui étaient toujours en concordance avec mon vraie sens d’être. Je redirige mon perspective créative à maintenir ma passion pour toute la vie entière non seulement la mienne. Maintenant, avec le recul, c’est simple de voir comment j’étais distrait par l’origine de mes pensés émotionnelles qui avait égaré mon conscience. Il l’avait trompé et le fait compter sur la superficialité de mon ego comme le moyen principal de me guider dans la vie. Maintenant, c’est clair que j’ai de la chance de découvrir que j’étais tellement fixé sur cette illusion d’un sens de « moi ». Ceci est le sens malade d’un sens de « moi » fixé sur ses désires incessantes qui n’aurais jamais combler le sens vrai d’être, ni fournir le conseil pour surmonter le point de vue égoïste.
C’est quand j’ai fait des efforts pour apprécier et susciter des mes intuitions un moyen de déclencher mon habilité de les utiliser comme un instrument effective. Avec ces intuitions je pourrais me naviguer à travers le procès créative et donc la vie objectivement sur le point de vue non-préjugé. Par conséquent je me concerne plus pour le bien-être les autres. Maintenant avec cette balance de mon cœur intuitive et ma tête cognitive je fais plus des efforts de renoncer mes idées égoïstes pour mieux m’identifier aux sensations intuitives subtiles. Cela peut m’aider de me concentrer à ces intuitions subtiles qui soutient ma nature créative et nourrissante à la vie.
A cause de cette perspective non-préjugée je me sens plus revenu à la terre et même plus authentique. En nourrissant ce niveau de conscience, j’ai découvert que je redécouvert une alternative et plus subtile perspective sur la réalité. Ceci me semble familière (comme la façon j’ai vécu entant qu’enfant) et je fais plus de confiance sur cette base de développer, nourrir et constuire en poursuivant d’évaluer mes besoins de m’identifier à mes environnements.
Quand-même d’aujourd’hui je me réalise que cette perspective est une voie qui exige de m’écouter à mes environnements et aux autres sources intuitives authentiques. Parce que cela m’est évident que plus je puisse m’identifier à ce comblement nourrissant à vie pour poursuivre à travers ma capacité créative, plus je me trouve ouvert à la connectivité transcendante dans le monde.
En conséquence de expériences opposées, je me rendu compte que même si c’est bien que l’on peut se disputer, c’est plus prudent d’être ouvert, fluide, calme, tolérant et nourrissant et par conséquent aussi patient, honnête et clément. Ceci est l’autorisation qui me donne mon authenticité créativité qui sert comme la base sur laquelle je choisi de créer.
Par conséquent, je vous encourage chers visiteurs de noter des titres de mes oeuvres, parce qu’ils peuvent vous indiquer à la profondeur de l’intention intuitivement inspiré.
Artist’s Statement
What I offer here is a brief summation, an impression of my life long love affair with Fine Art and the integrity I attempt to bestow upon its altar. This is an affair that began long before manipulative influences threatened to shatter my ability to trust my intuitions creatively.
Having achieved both an undergraduate and graduate degree in Fine Art, and having made a serious practice out of expressing myself creatively since then, indicates that my work as an artist has always played a serious role in my ability to focus my awareness on these gut level impulses and respond to their nature. Consequently, my ability to relate to my intuitions and the perspective that arises from my creative responses to them has been synonymous with my maturity as an artist. Then, having instructed art for a few years has afforded me the opportunity to pursue the act of creating art not for purpose of earning a living, but as an inner-disciplinary practice whereby I got to practice in this regard. Hence, I took solace in pursuing this practice as a means of evolving as a Fine Artist. Furthermore, instructing others in art and aesthetics has provided me with the opportunity to make others aware of the benefits that come with this practice.
Again, this is the practice that has provided me with the opportunity to treat the performance value of creativity as a means to focus on the gut level intuitive impulses I receive unconsciously as I create. This is what I prefer as opposed to subconsciously relying on whatever creative ideas serve whatever preconceived ones I might otherwise concoct cognitively. This allows the finished work of art to inspire my viewers to reflect on such responses for the sake of contemplating the nature of the expression.
Now, by having discovered this intuitive approach to the creative process, I have discovered that we as both artists and art observers can transform each creative experience into a vehicle through which we can intuitively respond to and thus personally grow from such responses. This provides our awareness with the opportunity to observe the less obvious side of reality using this less obvious sense as opposed to merely dealing with the obvious side of reality we observe through our five obvious senses relying only on our cognition. As a result we can contemplate the nature of our intuitions and the effect they have on our ability to contemplate reality objectively as opposed to merely serving our selfish ways. In other words, what such creative experiences have taught me is that we can focus on the nature of our intuitive responses, and observe how they reveal the true nature of the self that exists behind the ego nature we so often find driving our interests and our actions.
This is the approach to the creative process that provides me with the opportunity to artistically explore and develop my own authentic relationship with the source of my intuitions without the influence of my habitual inclination to serve my addiction to serving only my own selfish needs. Hence I am free to consider the nature of the source of my intuitions and my ability to enhance and utilize the course of such creative experiences as a means of penetrating and expressing what it means to be human from an intuitive point of view. Hence I am engaging in the perspective that considers the wellbeing of all life objectively as opposed to listening to the subconscious rantings of the ego driven voice that so often invades our consciousness. Either way, what I get is the opportunity to openly explore, and therefore express my own authentic relationship with the source of my intuitions: The source of our intuitions that seeks to create artistically from an objective point of view for the sake of relating to reality intuitively, impulsively as opposed to using creativity for the sake of manipulating reality for our own personal gain.
As a result of having chosen to listen to and thus express from my intuitions, what you see before you are expressions that I have pursued through an intuitively playful approach to the creative process; expressions that have arisen from my conscious effort to mentally respond to the nature of those intuitive impulses that arise as they come to me when I work spontaneously. For I have discovered that there are various ways in which I can draw out my intuitive responses while actively creating so that I can draw on them before my egoic addiction to my creative problem thought process can formulate decisions on behalf of this self serving pathology many have come to know as the ego. Thus I get to draw out my ability to creatively synthesize each and every creative decision I make, so that I can respond to the objectivity that is inherent to those gut level feelings that come to me as I respond to the act of creating. Hence, I have discovered an alternative to those decisions I would otherwise tend to make when I listen to my subjectively driven ego. Subsequently, it is my hope that these works of art manage to inspire within others – the effect and the degree of such an effect that it sparks the inclination to observe other such profoundly intuitive responses once they arise as a result of the quality and effectiveness of my work.
Hence, I encourage my viewers to take note of the titles to my work, for they have a way of pointing one towards the depth of their intuitively inspired intent.
On a personal note:
There was once a time when I made every effort to become the artist of my time. To do so, I conjured clever depictions of the ideas that motivated the voice in my head, all surmounting the incessant schemes and strategies that I believed might set me apart from the norm. This means that I strove to be unique for the sake of being clever, while I sought to be clever for the sake of standing out as a means to get noticed. Of course, to achieve this I approached creativity this way simply for the purpose of participating in the illusion we call the image of the Avant Guard and sharing in its limelight.
Then one day I took notice of this direction from a subtle perspective, only to discover that I felt a void. Despite my success, I found that my current efforts lacked the profound sense of human substance that turned me on to the arts in the first place. Shockingly, it became painfully clear that I had sacrificed my connection with (the substance that I once had acknowledged as) the essence of our human experience, merely for the sake of pursuing those intellectually note worthy thought innovations that I believed would bring me recognition. As a result, soon there after, I once again turned my attention inwards, consciously re-acknowledging those impulses that had always resonated with my true sense of being, thus redirecting my creative perspective towards upholding my passion for all life, not just my own.
Now, through the benefit of hindsight, it is easy for me to see how I became distracted by the origin of my emotionally charged thought facility, which misled my conscious sense awareness and conned it into drawing and relying on the superficiality that arises through my ego as my primary means for navigating my way through life. Now it is clear just how fortunate I was to discover how fixated I had become on this illusionary sense of self. The pathological sense of self that became fixed on its own endless cravings and desires that would never fulfill my true sense of being, nor provide the guidance I needed to overcome my egoic point of view.
That’s when I obviously made the effort to once again value, and draw from my intuitions as a way of igniting my ability to utilize them as an effective tool with which I could navigate my way through the creative process and therefore through life objectively from a non biased manner. Hence I once again became more concerned for the wellbeing of others. Now, through a balanced use between my intuitive heart and my cognitive head, I now make a greater effort to forgo my self-serving preconceived ideas for the sake of relating to the subtle intuitive sensations that support my true life nurturing and life affirming nature creatively.
As a result of this non-biased objective perspective, I have come to feel grounded, even genuine. By nurturing this level of consciousness, I have discovered that I have rediscovered an alternative more subtle perspective on reality. One that feels familiar (like the way I experienced life as a young child) and much more trust worthy as a foundation from which to develop, nurture and ultimately build on –all in pursuit of evaluating my need to relate to my surroundings. Now however, I have come to see this perspective as a path, one that requires that I put one ear to my surroundings and the other to the intuitive source of this authenticity. For it is clear to me that the more I can relate to the life nurturing fulfillment I deeply long for and therefore pursue through my creativity ability, the more I find myself open to my interconnected transcendent place in the world. As a result of such opposing experiences, I have come to recognize that, although it is okay to disagree, it is in my best interest to temper my convictions by remaining open, fluid, calm, tolerant, nurturing, –and thus patient, honest and forgiving. This is the empowerment that drives my creative authenticity and therefore the premise from which I choose to create.
Hence, I encourage my viewers to take note of my titles, for they have a way of pointing one towards the depth of their intuitively inspired intent.