If my deeply human efforts, which are expressions that point to our deep, universal, human potential, resonate with you, and you wish to support them by means of a contribution, as a testimony of your support, I am offering the following signed items in exchange for various dollar contributions.
Thank you,
$5.00 or more $10.00 or more $20.00 or more
(Find Kioh-Lung -is the third metamorphic state of the Eastern Dragon just before he gets his wings) (Find The Dragon!)
Signed limited edition digital print of the original graphite drawing $50.
Bite size pieces of “The Cooperative Pursuit of Enlightenment”
“The Communion Of The Saints” (Good while supplies last)
Title: The Cooperative Pursuit of Enlightenment or The Communion Of The Saints
Material: Bronze on marble (edition of 14) Size: 20 ¼ x12 ½
A contribution of $8,950.00 or more
Title: The Embrace
Material: Bronze on marble (edition of 50)
A contribution of $300.00 or more
Title: The Collaborative
Material: Bronze on marble (edition of 50)
A contribution of $300.00 or more
Title: Rescue
Material: Bronze on marble (edition of 50)
A contribution of $390.00 or more
Title: Cooperation
Material: Bronze on marble (edition of 12)
A contribution of $2,200.00 or more
Title: The Cooperative
Material: Bronze on marble (edition of 12)
A contribution of $2,200.00
Fuel for thought: Corporations have supported art and artists. They spend billions of dollars every year on creative and innovative advertising. These images exert a powerful influence on us levied through the use of visual language (ART). But, what kind of art?
This monetary-driven form of art (commercialism) appears through every known form of media. Some of these endless marketing campaigns seem to express and project values and notions that make us feel that we do not have enough or that we are not enough. Psychologically, this far to often results in a measure of competitiveness that pits everyone against everyone, in a win/lose situation, and a never-ending thirst for more.
Speaking as a passionate artist, who strives to celebrate our sacred relationship with the natural surroundings that sustains us, and the universal bond we share with one another that can potentially define us, what I hope you will see here in my work, is the alternative to the concurring spirit of competition. What I strive for; is to express a win-win celebration of what it means to participate in the world at a deep and profoundly mature human existence.
Through such works of mine, as “The Strength of Perseverance” and “Contemplation” for example, I often attempt to penetrate and depict sensitive interpersonal human relationships; like the vulnerability we share through the emotional implications we experience as human beings, or rather the common lineage we all share at a sentient level.
However, those from among my works such as JOY – “The Joy of Self-less-ness” and the “The Cooperative Pursuit of Enlightenment” are meant to inspire the true nurturing essence of our human nature. What I wholeheartedly believe is; if we wish to live at our natural human tempo and nurture one another through deeply held human values, then, it seems to me that art (Fine Art) must celebrate and express these values sincerely and candidly.
I believe there should be no gimmicks, nor competition here, just an honest conviction to openly declare and share our universally nurturing human qualities. An initiative such as this involves the measure of what we are –not what we have. Ultimately, deep down! Isn’t what we have, really, each other?
Because the annual monetary goals of corporations are not always in line with our deeply felt human values (although such nurturing expressions could improve their image) I find myself in a position where I may not be able to count on their support. Therefore, I need to rely upon the public in order to further my efforts. This means purchases and/or contributions.